Top 15 Green Home Building Techniques

Top 15 Green Home Building Techniques

Considering that the environment around us is constantly changing, it's important to be aware of its existence and how important it is to be eco activ

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Considering that the environment around us is constantly changing, it’s important to be aware of its existence and how important it is to be eco active. Having green home means that you cut your expenses and cut off anything that can harm the nature

1. Location Location, Location:

When you’re buying your house avoid buying it if it’s facing west, it’s good for sun minimization and naturally cooling down your house, also make sure you check if you are in the earthquake or flood area.

2. Smaller is Better:

Thinking ahead and planning is the best thing to do especially if you are planning to have kids. Keep in mind that a small house has the same impact as the bigger ones.

3. Energy Efficient Equipment:

If your product is verified by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), you should use it. Search for Energy Star label.

4. Proper Insulation:

Easiest way to bring your electric bill down is for your installation to be flawless, 50% of your home energy use is for keeping warm doing winter.

5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

Plastic is a good material to use but your best option is to reuse your old material that you already have.

6. Use Sustainable Building Materials:

When building your eco-friendly house you should make your goal to use renewable materials such as bamboo or recycled plastic or glass.

7. Install Solar Panels:

It may not seem at first very cheap but considering that it will be your main source of energy it can be very profitable, depending on where you live.

8. Energy Star Windows:

There windows are rated on how energy adequate are they if the rating is high they are not that efficient, the lower the better.

9. Rainwater Harvesting Systems and Tankless Water Heaters:

This way you can get all the water that’s been building up in the tree roots and store it in the tank and later use it for watering. It doesn’t take a lot of time for it to heat up which saves you room by removing a boiler and money.

10. Eco-Friendly Lighting:

LED and CFL not only last longer but are more economical.

11. Water Conserving Fixtures:

By reducing the strength of the flow you can save water and get the exact same job done.

12. Programmable Thermostat:

Putting up a programmable thermostat is the best way to cut down on your bills, your HVAC will work only until its needed and then turn off.

13. HVAC System:

Best is Energy Star HVAC system, it needs to be well put up and the canals need to be professionally approved with maximum 10% leakage.

14. Efficient Landscaping:

Planning ahead can help you cool down or warm up your house depending on the time of the year by planting trees on the southern and western side of your home.

15. Harness Geothermal Energy:

Geothermal energy requires more upfront investment but provide unlimited energy to heat and cool your home.