Take a look inside an eco-friendly home of the future

Take a look inside an eco-friendly home of the future

Cities of the future will be the centre of ecological living, but the future won't consist just of buttons, electronics, solar panels and wind turbine

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Cities of the future will be the centre of ecological living, but the future won’t consist just of buttons, electronics, solar panels and wind turbines. It will be composed of a large number of different materials and innovations. Here is a short brief of what you may expect.

Please, wipe your feet

Before you enter the house, you’ll be in front of a doormat made from different recycled or maybe even upcycled materials. In Maine for example, there is an abundance of wasted float rope which was forbidden in the state’s fishing industry in 2009. It was said for the rope that it leads to whale entanglement. Since the rope, if thrown in a landfill, would require a long time to decompose because it was made of polyethylene, residents have come to an idea to create doormats of it.

A dash of light

Danielle Trofe, a designer from New York, is making new types of lampshades from many types of agricultural waste, but in the first place, of mycelium which is a sort of fungus. Mushrooms are going to be a large part of eco-friendly future. They are one of the greatest recyclers in nature and are already compared by some to be the replacement for plastic. The price is good and is ideal to replace the materials that can’t be renewed. It’s fashionable too. It looks like a lamp, but when you’re done with it, you can just return it back to the ground from where it came, and it will very quickly dissolve.

Please, take a seat

When you get to the living room prepare yourself to be a little bit disgusted when you sit on a chair made from urine and sand. This way of making material wasn’t first used in this way. BioMason company is using this formula to create bricks. This is a cheap method to make building material since 1kg of biostone that is made this way uses only sixteen percent of the energy used to make 1kg of concrete.

House of walls


What may be the greatest shock is that there probably won’t be defined rooms for a bedroom, living room, toilet, and kitchen, but we’ll have a set of moving walls. Rooms are created on the move by moving around walls made of oriented strand board wood (OSB), a type of wood that is set to replace plywood. The concept comes from Japanese culture where they could remove the unnecessary walls if needed.

A tasty paint

VOC or volatile organic compounds are ingredients which are parts of the paint which, according to WHO contributes to lung diseases in the world. The modern paint will be made from either organic milk, for the making of which exists a recipe, or will be bought from eco-friendly stores such as Ecosense. Ecosense’s paint created 40% less waste and halved the production of carbon emissions when compared to regular store paint.