Global Warming: The Imminent Crisis That Never Arrives

Global Warming: The Imminent Crisis That Never Arrives

Al Gore swore in his 2006 movie "An Inconvenient Truth," that within a decade we would have global disasters such as deadly hurricanes, alarming sea l

Use The Sun To Save The Earth
Rick Perry and Al Franken exchange heated words on global warming
Let Some Good Come From Global Warming

Al Gore swore in his 2006 movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” that within a decade we would have global disasters such as deadly hurricanes, alarming sea levels and an Arctic without ice.

“Unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes,” was the sentence he began his movie with.

In 2011 Gore predicted that Mt. Kilimanjaro would be snow-free. Four years earlier the Guardian of Britain wrote that the UN issued a warning that global temperatures will rise 2C or more. Three years ago French Foreign Minister Fabius Laurent stressed that we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.

This list of similar claims continues. The climate alarmist community admits that a pause in global temperature increase is indeed a fact and that “differences in model and satellite tropospheric warming rates” are noted.

Michael Bastasch and Ryan Maue called this admission “‘consensus’ on global warming” and, as shocking as it is, it was something that was expected, and a confession by the alarmists eventually had to be made.

Climate scientist represented by Benjamin Santer stated that “in the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble.”

Trump Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt noted that satellite data shows there’s been a leveling off of warming. This comment resulted in many reactions and was condemned. David Whitehouse, the science editor of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, reported that a study was published in journal Nature Scientific Reports disproving Pruitt.

Leslie Eastman of the Legal Insurrection blog wrote that Ben Santer, a researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a former researcher who worked at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit – known for the “Climategate” scandal where scientist manipulated data that disproved their global warming theory.