5 Energy Saving Gadgets That Are Totally Worth It

5 Energy Saving Gadgets That Are Totally Worth It

As people want to buy energy saving products to save money and help the environment, companies are suggesting more „green“ merchandises than ever befo

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As people want to buy energy saving products to save money and help the environment, companies are suggesting more „green“ merchandises than ever before. Keep in mind that not all of these gadgets are worth their price. Here is a list of best gadgets on the market that are worth the price if you wish to live green and save money while you are at it!

1. Smart Thermostats

New smart thermostats analyze when you use cooling or heating system and follow your pattern to save the energy. About 40% of your household energy bill comes from cooling and heating, so little investment in this system can make a significant difference.

2. LED Lighting

LED bulbs provide the brightest light for the least money. Customers don’t like halogen and compact fluorescent for few reasons. Some don’t like the quality of light from halogen while others fear the mercury in fluorescent bulbs. Overall, LED is a good option, as it is cheap, safe and offers a consistent light.

3. Energy Management Systems

Energy Management Systems offers you a chance to have a remote control of your home. Never again you will have to think if you left a coffee maker or lights on or will the temperature in the house be pleasant when you come home. With your smartphone or remote you will be able to control the lights, cooling and heating system, appliances and security system.

4. Energy Star Appliances

Always purchase Energy Star certified products when in need of a new refrigerator, ceiling fan, microwave or other appliance. These products offer huge savings in operation, usually in a few months time they will save you enough money to pay for them.

5. Charging Stations

Phantom power represents one of the most common causes of energy waste at home. This is a result of devices that are plugged in but turned off, draining about 8% of homes power for nothing. Charging stations are an excellent way to stop phantom power as they automatically shut down the power when appliances are completely charged.

6. Smart Power Strips

Think about installing the smart power strips that prevent phantom power leaks instead of having to unplug a lot of appliances around the house every night. They are ideal for hard to reach places like the back of the kitchen counter, under the computer desk and behind the television.

The price for these gadgets differ, but lower power bills you will get if you use them will justify the price. Speak to your landlord and check if he is willing to reduce the purchase amount from your rent payment if you install the gadgets yourself. This offers a landlord a chance to improve his property with little effort and expense.